10 More Startup Commandments
By Mark Fletcher
- One minute read - 156 words- You will have at least one catastrophe every three months.
- Outsource effectively, or be effectively outsourced.
- Do you thrive on stress and ambiguity? You’d better.
- The best way to get outside funding is to be successful already. Stupid but true. But you, cheapskate, don’t need money, right?
- People will think your idea sucks. They’re even probably right. The only way to prove them wrong is to succeed.
- A startup will require your complete attention and devotion. Thought your first love in High School was clingy? You can’t take out a restraining order on your startup.
- Being an entrepreneur requires a healthy amount of ignorance. Note I did not say stupidity.
- Your software sucks. So what. Everyone else’s does also, and re-architecting is the kiss of death for a startup. Startups are no place forĀ architecture astronauts.
- You do have a public API, right?
- Abject Terror. Overwhelming Joy. Monstrous Greed. Embrace and harness these emotions you must.