Lion In Repose
By Mark Fletcher
- One minute read - 164 wordsBlog Updates
If you haven’t visited Winged Pig in awhile, you may not have noticed that I’ve spruced up the place a bit, as part of the relaunch. The blog has been hosted on for awhile now, and I continue to be happy with them. I did switch themes, going with the premium Studio Press Minimum theme. Two recent web trends I like are the use of much larger images and the use of better fonts. The Minimum theme fits both those trends nicely. I’ve also added sharing buttons for each post, including Pinterest and Google+ buttons. Pinterest in particular is becoming more important. I’ve also set up a Smugmug gallery, which stores full-sized versions of all my photos.
Photo - Lion In Repose
On safari, we came across this lion as he was looking for a place for an afternoon nap. We followed him for awhile and he eventually came to rest in this nook between a tree and an ant hill.