Startupping Launches!
I’m very pleased to announce the launch of Startupping, a resource for Internet entrepreneurs. As I explain in the first post, I want to take the mystery out of the process of starting and running an Internet company. The site has four main areas, the Startupping Blog, a set of discussion forums, a wiki, and an aggregation of relevant blogs from VCs, Angels and Entrepreneurs. To kick things off, I’ve asked several successful Internet entrepreneurs, including John Battelle, Paul Graham, Dick Costolo, Chris Pirillo, and Ross Mayfield to describe the best decision and worst mistake they’ve made as an entrepreneur.
Founders at Work
I just received from Amazon a copy of Founders at Work, a collection of interviews with entrepreneurs. It’s by Jessica Livingston, one of the Y Combinator folks. Here’s the list of interviewees, which includes myself. In the interview, I talk about the early days of both ONElist, which became Yahoo Groups, and Bloglines. I haven’t had a chance to read the book yet (hey, I just got it a couple hours ago!
Moving On
Well all, sadly it is time for me to move along from Bloglines. The service is in great hands with Ask and I am confident it will live long and prosper under their watch. But “why” you cry? According to my ever-present Ask PR twin, “to spend more time with my family.” And it’s true; my cats have begun to run with a bad crowd. Beard Papa has some new stores that need visiting.
The European Next Web Conference
The other week I had the pleasure of having dinner with Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten in Amsterdam. I had met Boris last October, when I keynoted the E-Day conference. Boris is currently working on a new startup and he’s also putting together a conference. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it due to a previous commitment, but the European Next Web Conference looks like a lot of fun. If you’re in the area, I suggest checking it out.
Blog Migration
If you are reading this, then the DNS changes have propagated and you’re reading this blog from it’s new server. For the past 5 years, was hosted on a machine at my house, running off my DSL line. For various reasons, I decided it was time to move to a hosted solution. Based on a recommendation from a friend, I chose Pair Networks. At the same time, I upgraded to the latest version of Movable Type and changed the style of the blog.
Bloglines Blog Search Launches
This evening, we rolled out an industry leading blog search engine for Bloglines. In addition, there’s a new ‘Blogs & Feeds’ tab on the main Ask site. We started working on the new search engine soon after Bloglines was acquired by Ask last year, and the engine is the result of a lot of hard work by both the Ask search team in New Jersey and the Bloglines team in California.
Next Monday, May 15th, I’ll be speaking at SDForum’s Startup SIG. Then, on Monday, June 5th, I’ll be the subject of one of SVASE’s Legend dinners. I’ll be talking about some of the mistakes I’ve made and lessons I’ve learned while starting two Internet companies. I hope to see you there. [Update]: I had a lot of fun Monday night at the Startup SIG event. Startup_SDForum is the slide deck that was the basis of the talk.
Plaxo's New Calendar
Tonight, my friends at Plaxo announced the acquisition of HipCal, an on-line calendar. I think this makes a huge amount of sense for Plaxo and it’s great to see them continue to do well. While I’m very flattered that I’m quoted in the blog post, I do feel the need to correct one error. The quote should be: “Whenever you have more than zero funded companies in the calendar space, you know you are in the bubble.
Startup School
This Saturday, I’ll be speaking at Y Combinator’s Startup School at Stanford. I’ll be talking about some of the mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned over the past 8 years or so with ONElist and more recently with Bloglines. I really enjoy talking about this stuff, and the other speakers look great. I’m looking forward to it!
Y! Combinator
Last Thursday, I attended the final dinner for Y! Combinator’s Winter Founders Program. When I first heard about Y! Combinator, it was one of those ideas that just seemed forehead-slappingly obvious. Good ideas often do, in retrospect. Anyways, I had a chance to talk with several of the entrepreneurs, and every one was smart and full of energy. Talk about a great atmosphere. I’d like to thank Paul, Jessica and Trevor for the invite; I had a great time.