Random Stuff
In no particular order:
Things are progressing well with Bloglines. I fixed up the subscription process today and squashed some more bugs. Next up is fixing the Manage Subscriptions screen, adding search, and adding a way for people to make their subscription list publically viewable. Bloglines handles the new AOL Journals feeds fine. My Bloglines subscriptions now number about 90. I wonder if I should try to pick a fight with one of the “A-list” bloggers in order to get publicity for Bloglines.
Bloglines in DayPop's Top 40
Bloglines in DayPop’s Top 40 See here That’s fantastic! So far, the reaction to Bloglines has been uniformly positive. People like having an aggregator that they can access without having to download and install software, and that can be accessed from multiple machines. I continue to make improvements to the system, based on user suggestions. Expect to this week see search and a few other goodies.
News Aggregators In Email Clients
News Aggregators In Email Clients Some people are using news aggregators that allow RSS feeds to be inserted/delivered along with their normal email. They say they like this integration, but I don’t get it. My email inbox is so busy as it is, mainly with spam (that I’m trying to stop), that I really don’t want more things to show up there. Just like I don’t read USENET in my inbox, I want to keep news feeds in a seperate application (like Bloglines ;-) ).
Bloglines Last night I launched
Bloglines Last night I launched Bloglines. Bloglines is a server-based news aggregator. With it, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs and newsfeeds. It will then track changes to those sites, making it easy for you to keep up to date with the blogs you read. There are many client-based news aggregators, but none worked for me. I use multiple machines and multiple operating systems, so a server-based solution made the most sense to me.
RSS Aggregator
I looked at a couple of RSS aggregators the other day. These are programs that you run on your machine that allow you to subscribe to various weblogs that support a protocol called RSS. These programs make it easy to keep up with your favorite blogs. I was very disappointed in what I saw, at least in terms of Linux based programs. Every one I looked at sucked. Couldn’t get any of them to work.