Email Problem
I apologize to anyone that has sent me email to my email address in the past week and a half. I just realized this evening that I hadn’t been receiving anything at that email address. It was a configuration issue with the new Bloglines machines, and has been in effect since we moved the service. All the email is stored up, so I have everything, I just need to go through it all.
New Bloglines Features
We have rolled out two new Bloglines features, send subscriptions and a user directory. Send subscriptions makes it easy to transfer your Bloglines subscriptions to others. Simply enter the email address of the person, select which of your subscriptions you’d like to send, and add a short message. An email will be sent to the person which contains a link back to Bloglines. If the user is not already a Bloglines user, clicking the link will automatically create a new Bloglines account and pre-populate it with the subscriptions you’ve sent.
Web Programming Theory
Warning, this is a nerdy post. Moreso than normal even. As I was visiting a site this morning that was having problems and spitting out random PHP error messages, I was reminded that I wanted to write up something about web programming. No I’m not going to name the site, but they should know better. And this is not a post bashing PHP, because like many things PHP can be used for good as well as evil.
Notes From The Bleeding Edge
Yesterday, I decided to upgrade one of my development boxes to the new Fedora Cora 2 test. Fedora is what Red Hat is evolving their personal distribution into, and the new Fedora Core 2 test is the first distribution to include a version of the new 2.6 kernel. I use two boxes for development. I have one machine, called floorpie, that I basically use as a terminal. I do my development on a second, much more up-to-date dual-processor box.
I’m confused by something I’m seeing with Technorati. If I search on, it says that there are ‘1106 inbound blogs’. So then I go to the Top 100 listing, Bloglines doesn’t show up. If I’m reading things corrected, we should appear at about number 64, right after Gawker. But we’re nowhere. Strange. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something?