Liberal vs Strict Support of Atom
Tim Bray in a post asks aggregator developers to be picky about their support for Atom feeds. He specifically calls on the developers of a couple of ‘popular aggregators’ to enforce correctness when parsing Atom feeds. And it looks like those developers plan on doing just that. He doesn’t mention Bloglines, even though I’m pretty sure we have more users than the other aggregators mentioned. No big deal on that; we haven’t announced any user numbers yet.
I Passed!!!
Today I had the second half of my private pilot checkride. I had the first part on Tuesday, but we couldn’t complete the flying portion because I didn’t like the weather. Today the weather was much better, and I got it done. About 5 hours total between the two days, including 2.3 hours flying time. I stressed out over it, and ended up pushing a lot of Bloglines stuff to the side in order to study for it over the past few weeks.
Bloglines, The Web Interface to RSS Feeds
I haven’t had a chance to point to many of the great comments people are making about Bloglines lately. I have a saved search set up that tracks when people mention Bloglines, so I’m able to easily stay current with the buzz, and I do appreciate all the nice things people have been saying. I really liked one particular phrase from this article, which is the title of this post.
Email Subscriptions In Bloglines
Tonight we rolled out a new Bloglines feature called email subscriptions. Basically, an email subscription is like a normal subscription, except that each one comes with a unique Bloglines email address associated with it. The email address is not easily guessable (hard to spam). Whenever an email is received for one of these email addresses, it appears just like a normal blog entry. We support HTML email and even embedded images.
Happiness is a Warm Server
Or 12 new warm servers, to be exact. The hungry beast that is Bloglines continues to grow and is demanding more horsepower. When I first started ONElist, there was a period where we had to stop allowing new user registration because the system was so overloaded. That was a very painful lesson that we were luckily able to fully recover and learn from. I vowed then to never get back into a situation like that.