Some bits:
The Forbes article that I’m mentioned in appears in print this Friday, so I’m told. There might even be a picture of me in it, so hide the children. I’ve noticed with Bloglines that a sizeable percentage of users use a tagged email address. This is a special purpose email address, usually with the word ‘bloglines’ in it. While tagged addresses are an interesting attempt to thwart spammers, it really shows how badly the war against spam has been going.
What A Slashdotting Means
On Saturday, my other site, Trustic, was Slashdotted. It was the top story for 3 hours or so, I’m told. Fantastic. You always hear about the ‘Slashdot effect’, of how it funnels so much traffic to linked sites, that they go down in a steaming pile of dead server hardware. Well, that didn’t happen to Trustic. Between Saturday evening and 11:59pm Sunday night, Trustic served about 36,000 pages. Not hits, pages.
Welcome Slashdot Readers!
Trustic was mentioned on Slashdot yesterday. Hundreds of people have signed up for the service because of the mention, and we’re grateful. The service handled the load fine, which is good because I was away from a computer almost the entire time. Please also visit Bloglines, my other service. Bloglines is a web news aggregator. You can stay up to date with Slashdot and thousands of other sites easily with Bloglines.
Random Stuff
In no particular order:
Things are progressing well with Bloglines. I fixed up the subscription process today and squashed some more bugs. Next up is fixing the Manage Subscriptions screen, adding search, and adding a way for people to make their subscription list publically viewable. Bloglines handles the new AOL Journals feeds fine. My Bloglines subscriptions now number about 90. I wonder if I should try to pick a fight with one of the “A-list” bloggers in order to get publicity for Bloglines.
Bloglines in DayPop's Top 40
Bloglines in DayPop’s Top 40 See here That’s fantastic! So far, the reaction to Bloglines has been uniformly positive. People like having an aggregator that they can access without having to download and install software, and that can be accessed from multiple machines. I continue to make improvements to the system, based on user suggestions. Expect to this week see search and a few other goodies.