Lake Como
Italy is one of my favorite countries to visit. On our last trip there, we visited Lake Como for the first time. Taking the ferry between cities on the lake, I took this picture of one of the towns that dots the lake. Unfortunately, we did not run into George Clooney while we were there.
Leopard In A Tree In Botswana
We saw several leopards during our safaris in South Africa and Botswana. For the most part, they just ignored us and went about their business. Leopards like being in trees and are great climbers. We encountered this guy walking around and followed him for a bit, until he decided to take a break and pose for us.
Lake Tahoe From Northstar
This is the view from the top of Northstar looking south towards Lake Tahoe. It’s been a weird ski season, with a distinct lack of snow for the first half of the season. But it’s ending strong, and snow fell for most of the past week. On this day, it had snowed in the morning, but by the afternoon the sun had come out, which made for some great conditions.
Canoe By Sunset In Botswana
On our safari last year, at one point, we took an afternoon canoe trip in Botswana. What this photo doesn’t capture is the mass of bugs that attacked us as we were on the river. The photo originally came out quite poorly because of the challenging lighting, and I’ve had to do a lot of post-processing with Photoshop and other tools. Knowing how to use a camera is only part of the skill set needed to produce pleasing images.
Lion In Repose
Blog Updates If you haven’t visited Winged Pig in awhile, you may not have noticed that I’ve spruced up the place a bit, as part of the relaunch. The blog has been hosted on for awhile now, and I continue to be happy with them. I did switch themes, going with the premium Studio Press Minimum theme. Two recent web trends I like are the use of much larger images and the use of better fonts.
Moonlit Leopard
Dusting Off The Blog Hello! If you’re reading this, and I assume that you are, you’re probably wondering what this is. This is my newly resurrected blog, which has been gathering dust for the past two years. Two blog years equates to 273 normal years, or 5 minutes at the dentist. Approximately. Regardless, it’s been a long time. Things that have happened since the last post on this blog:
Bloglines was sold.
Best And Worst Decisions - Mark Moore
A few years ago, for Startupping, I asked several entrepreneurs about their best and worst decisions. With the shuttering of that site, their answers vanished from the web. I’ll be reposting them here. This was originally posted on February 22, 2007: Mark Moore is CEO and co-founder of One True Media, where he is responsible for the vision, business and product strategy as well as the teams and systems needed to execute on them.
Best And Worst Decisions - Greg Linden
A few years ago, for Startupping, I asked several entrepreneurs about their best and worst decisions. With the shuttering of that site, their answers vanished from the web. I’ll be reposting them here. This was originally posted on February 22, 2007: Greg is the founder of Findory, a service that uses personalization technology to help readers discover information they would otherwise miss. Previously, Greg was at, where he wrote the recommendation engine and led the software team that developed Amazon’s personalization systems.
Best And Worst Decisions - Marc Canter
A few years ago, for Startupping, I asked several entrepreneurs about their best and worst decisions. With the shuttering of that site, their answers vanished from the web. I’ll be reposting them here. This was originally posted on February 22, 2007:_
Marc Canter founded MacroMind, which became Macromedia, and was influential in helping to start the nascent ‘multimedia industry’ in the late 80’s and early 90’s. From there, Marc did scalable content, Interactive TV and what we now call ‘Ajax’ work - all during the dot com era.