Blog On
Courtesy of the fine Six Apart folk, I’ll be at the Blog On conference tomorrow. I always enjoy meeting Bloglines users, so if you’re one and at the conference tomorrow, please introduce yourself. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make the dinner/party afterwards, but I’ll try.
Subscriber Analysis
With the launch of the new Bloglines user interface a couple of weeks ago, we started publishing subscriber numbers for every blog in the system. Previously, we had only listed subscribers who had public profiles enabled, which is a small percentage of the subscriber base. Now, we include a total subscriber count with each feed. Richard MacManus has some interesting thoughts as he analyzes this information.
RSS Scaling Issues
Chad Dickerson has a really interesting article up at Infoworld in which he talks about the problem with desktop RSS aggregators:
Fast forwarding to the present, now sees a massive surge of RSS newsreader activity at the top of every hour, presumably because most people configure their newsreaders to wake up at that time to pull their feeds. If I didnt know how RSS worked, I would think we were being slammed by a bunch of zombies sitting on compromised home PCs.
Blogs Help You Cope With Data Overload -- If You Manage Them
There’s a great article in the Wall Street Journal’s Personal Technology section this morning talking about blogs and aggregation. From the article: Overall, I had the best experience with a service called Bloglines, and I recommend it, especially for beginners. Bloglines ( works as a Web service, which means there’s no software to install and you can catch up with your blogs from any Web browser. Fantastic! Update: I’ve changed the link to point to the free version of the article.
Bloglines' New UI and Features
By now you may have heard about or seen the changes we made to Bloglines last night. We upgraded the user interface and added several new features, including the ability to sort subscriptions. Also, every Bloglines user now gets his or her own blog, and the tools to easily post items to it from their subscriptions. With such large scale changes as these, there are always little issues that come up, and we’re working to address them.